Sunday, February 16, 2014

Freedom by SG

Freedom is a word with many different interpretations for different people. freedom to me is the right to live, speak and feel how you want to and choose to. i believe people like nelson Mandela who were imprisoned are still free. because he went to prison for something he believed in, he knew he would go and he was okay with it. he did something he wanted for what he believed in.  and it bothers me that today Americans do not get  the freedom they had in the past or that we deserve as people and never have had. in the past the american people had freedoms, if chose no one was bothered or persecuted for saying a word or two. now in the present a person cannot walk 30 feet without someone on a social network or a camera seeing what you do and if you say a word or two that a couple people don't agree with you can be arrested or socially outcast-ed. for me freedom of speech and right to protection are my main concerns.  i want to be able to say what i want and have the right to protect myself, you never know what may happen in a crowded area or a local store. and i feel if i have something to say i should be allowed to without looking over my shoulder, as we grow as a nation our freedom diminishes just as fast

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