Sunday, February 23, 2014

What people perceive as a good president but don't realize why? by SG

        Every american who follows politics usually is a person who will also complain about the president a good bit. unless the country is in a huge economic uprising the president is not a very liked person, presidents have the weight of the country on their shoulders even for something he was never involved in. they are the face of the nation, every action, phrase or look is scrutinized. on constant watch everyday and we all know every one has dirty laundry or something the public shouldn't know, and these men are the same as us. to really tell what can make a good president you need to understand the light and darkness of being the president, and the everyday struggle to keep a country and dirty laundry under wraps.
        Economically our presidents have been hit or miss. the only presidents that are stand out are usually the ones in term during high economic periods, but people never really tend to think about the presidents before the good period. they are forgotten due to the economic shadow, but in reality their efforts lead us to the high times and the person after takes the credit. also people need to understand the president cannot directly effect our our employment rate, or GDP (gross domestic product) and our debt. all he can do is point us towards the right direction and hopefully the dominoes fall correctly. its directly up to the american people to effect our economy, spend more, actually go look for a job instead of collecting your welfare checks. yes its easier said then done but it can defiantly be done.  the president can only give us the steps we have to go up them.
        But i think there is just 2 types of presidents, ones who do what they need and ones that do not. a president that does his job is one who can do his best to keep "dirty laundry" to himself, he needs to do his best to keep clean, that doesnt man he cannot have a life. and he needs to have a firm image, keeping the weight of the nation on his shoulders is strenuous. then last he needs to be able to set the correct economical step to always improve our situation as a country, including making decisions he knows in the public eye will look bad but in real sense will put a foot forward. being the favorite and best looking is not being a president its being a flashy symbol. a president needs to do whats best in any situation for the well being of the people. not his image to the public eye because many of those decisions will be conflict for some of the population no matter what. most presidents are not appreciated until years after their terms are over, and thats the mentality all presidents should have to be relished in the past for their good doings not their image and popularity in the present.

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