Sunday, March 9, 2014

Change in the SAT or ACT college qualifier tests by SG

As a second year college student a few years ago i had the pleasure of taking the SAT. A test that is supposed to tell colleges how we will perform academically once we reach there or sometime the test that will get us into a college.  i took the test my senior year around September and i had a average score around 1500 and was lucky enough to only have to take it once. when i took it i felt the test was difficult in some areas but i felt prepared, in school we prepared for the SAT and ACT since 8th grade. but the only problem is most of the material on the test did not translate to college, a lot of it was never used. it grades you on material that wont be used at a college level or that can give signs to how you will do at the college level. before and during the test i was nervous and after i felt like it was a waste of money and time, the test is time consuming which was expected but i just do not see how that one test can determine so much of your future. i have friends that have scored in the upper percentile but have flunked out of college. the test only shows you can take a test well not how you will do and learn in a everyday college. so i believe both the ACT and SAT need to be changed or revoked, the change has to help prove if a kid knows enough to get into college and has been taught what is needed to move on. when i got to college i was behind the curve in math and english and i scored highest on the SAT in both of those section. so i feel that a test shouldnt prove your "smart enough" for college only prove if you know the material needed, it should be up to the student if they are smart enough for college and shouldnt have to take a test to be able to be admited to a college. admission tests i believe are only needed for upper degree works not a basic degree, doctors, teacher and lawyers need to have admissions tests because its thier job to know all of whats on those tests because if they do not they cannot do their job correctly. and usually people who take those tests are applying to a new college anyway not their college they got their graduate degree from.

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